The Institution:
The Piloo Mody College of Architecture (PMCA), Cuttack is a leading school of Architecture in Odisha, and has been on the forefront of Architecture education in Eastern India since its inception in the year 1993.
It was established by Late Ar K.B.Mohapatra, a visionary and an educationist from Cuttack. The college is named after the late parliamentarian Ar. Piloo Mody, who was instrumental in the enactment of The Architects’ Act of 1972.
PMCA is approved by the Council of Architecture (COA), New Delhi and is affiliated to the Biju Pattnaik University of Technology (BPUT), Rourkela.
The college offers a Five-year Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) program, as well as a Three-year Executive Master’s program in Habitat Design. The institute is also a Nodal Centre for Research under the BPUT.
The institution is governed by the ABIT Trust.
Institutional Objectives:
> To focus on the teaching learning process in imparting a meaningful education to assess the contemporary needs of design and construction of buildings.
> To educate students to design and develop socio-culturally acceptable, economically feasible and sustainable built-environments.
> To finally use the knowledge and skills for the benefit of mankind in a holistic manner
Values – Our values entail:
> Academic transparency, integrity & accountability
> Focus on promotion of quality
> Priority towards national and global concerns
> Promotion of the spirit of enterprise and new thinking in emerging areas
Vision – The Institute envisages:
To emerge as a prominent centre of learning, research and innovation in the field of Architecture, Design and Planning by encompassing progressive technological know-how, being rooted to the cultural ethos and value system, and guided by the principles of integrity, creativity and quality.
Mission – The Institute endeavors:
> To promote new knowledge through promotion of innovation and research in areas related to the built environment
> To train students to develop critical thinking and imbibe social consciousness as a professional responsibility
> To provide educational programs that nurture creativity and intellectual spirit and promote student achievement and scholarly inquiry to meet the professional challenges, international educational standards and needs of our diverse community.
> To progress as a collaborative of profession and education and promote capacity building by undertaking advanced programs in emerging areas of architecture and planning.
> To foster environmental values throughout the education program and provide resources and knowledge for indigenous and innovative sustainable building principles and practices.